
Qualified education is one of the basic goals of sustainable development, which guarantees the realization of other sustainable development goals in the long term.

Qualified education is effective in raising a capable generation to achieve the goals of sustainable development at all levels, and accordingly, one of the main aspects of activities related to the Corporate social responsibility of Pasargad Energy Development Group is the development of Qualified education infrastructures and efforts to Improve the quality of education, especially in low-privileged and underprivileged environments, in order to create equal opportunities for all the children of the society and cause the growth and improvement of the cultural and economic level of deprived and underprivileged communities in the long term.

We believe that all members of society should have the opportunity of qualified education, and in this regard, we have focused our efforts on deprived and less privileged areas with the priority of the local community in place of our projects.

Also, in addition to trying to realize educational infrastructures in low-privileged environments, we are developing society's awareness of issues related to sustainable development and individual responsibilities towards it focusing on increasing knowledge in the field of energy throughout the country as part of our working agenda.