Renewable Energy

Global warming is one of the biggest challenges for sustainable life on our planet, a challenge that has become a big threat and our chance to deal with this phenomenon is limited.

It should be noted that, on the one hand, economic development and the realization of many sustainable development goals require sufficient energy supply, and on the other hand, traditional approaches to energy supply are the main cause of this phenomenon

and maybe the main task to stop global warming is to eliminate fossil fuel from the cycle of energy supply but before the replacement of clean, stable, available, and sufficient quantity of renewable energy with fossil fuel. It can lead to inequality, injustice, and poverty and also stop economic growth and reduce prosperity.

Development of clean and renewable fuel accessibility is an international duty that the government and big energy companies in the world should try to make happen through politics, investment, and support and this requires a logical and premeditated transition process from Fossil fuel-based energy to renewable and clean energy.

It should also be noted that developing countries like Iran, which are considered the main sources of fossil fuel in the world, should create a logical balance between their need for development through energy and infrastructure development related to renewable energy.

In this regard, to move towards renewable energy development the Pasargad Energy Development Group has Established and developed investment in solar electricity power plants.

Although the concept of renewable and green energy as a source of sustainable and strategic energy for the whole world has been raised for the past three decades, this issue has received much attention in recent years and with the intensification of climate change and global warming.

and the transition from fossil fuel-based energies to sustainable and renewable energies has become a global goal

It should be noted that energy companies should redefine their missions and strategies in the field of energy resources in order to ensure their economic stability and make a targeted investment in this regard while considering the time-consuming and costly transition to a carbon-free world.

We in the Pasargad Energy Development Group are also trying to monitor global markets and current international trends so that we can play our role as an energy supplier in a carbon-free world by increasing the share of renewable energies. The development of renewable energies in Pasargad Energy Development Group is pursued in the direction of achieving the 7th goal of sustainable development.