Pasargad Energy Development Company (PEDC) was established in 2008 with the full investment of the private sector. PEDC is a leading and well-known company that provides competitive products and services in the field of energy with smart investment and effective management of its asset portfolio and plays an effective role in sustainable national development while providing benefits to stakeholders.

One of the distinctive and unique features of PEDC is the effective and continuous activity in the entire energy value chain, which is expanded into four sectors:

  • Upstream Oil and Gas
  • Downstream Oil and Gas
  • Power and Utilities
  • Infrastructure
  • trading and commercial
  • Renewables

PEDC, by gaining valuable national experience and relying on the support and trust of its shareholders, intends to go beyond domestic borders and towards international markets through its operational and organizational excellence, diversify its products and services, and market development.

When it comes to the downstream sector, we are a leading Iranian company in the development of technology and technical knowledge of petrochemical units and refineries to complete value chains and this is achieved through investment in various areas of the product chain, from natural gas to Polyolefins.

Based on the evaluation conducted by the National Iranian Oil Company PEDC has been ranked first place among Iranian exploration and production companies and has the capacity to refer work up to 12 billion dollars.

In the field of electricity and utility and renewable energy, this company plays a role as the largest private company in supplying the electricity needed by the country, having 4% of Iran's electricity market.

Our Business

  • Petrochemical Plants
  • Refinery Plants
  • Oil and Gas Pipelines
  • Conventional Thermal Power Plants
  • Pipelines and Boosting Stations for Energy Carriers
  • Refinery Petrochemical Products Marketing
  • Marketing and Trading of Energy Carriers
  • Exploration, development, and production of oil and gas fields
  • Implementation of Integrated drilling services for oil and gas wells
  • Management and operation of drilling rigs
  • Integrated management of engineering, procurement, construction, and drilling projects
  • Development of customized software for modeling oil and gas reservoir
  • Construction, O&M of solar power plants
  • Oil Terminals and Docks

PEDC has invested more than 10.683 billion dollars in the energy field, and besides creating value for shareholders through the implementation of social responsibility projects (CSR) has played its role as a committed member of society.

Pasargad Energy Development Company through its 28 subsidiary companies with distinctive capabilities and a portfolio of diverse and unique products and services has managed to implement various successful plans and projects throughout Iran. The artistry and glory of authority have spread in beautiful Iran, from North to South, and from West to East.

Pasargad Energy Development Company through its 28 subsidiary companies with distinctive capabilities and a portfolio of diverse and unique products and services has managed to implement various successful plans and projects throughout Iran. The artistry and glory of authority have spread in beautiful Iran, from North to South, and from West to East.