Biodiversity and Ecosystem

The rich biodiversity on our planet is under serious threat and major environmental challenges have caused serious damage to biodiversity and different ecosystems.

Biodiversity is the foundation of life on Earth and refers to biological diversity in all of its forms, from the genetic makeup of plants and animals to cultural diversity.

Preservation of biodiversity and the ecosystem is one of the goals of sustainable development (Goal 15) and the destructive effects of human activities over the past years have led to the need for effort and comprehensive attention for preservation of biodiversity and natural ecosystems. Based on this, we are committed to protecting biodiversity and ecosystems in all development projects and in operating units.

In this regard, we have seriously considered the policy of zero deforestation and have adhered to the principle of non-deforestation in our business development plans. Also, the development of vegetation in operational environments is another program to achieve this goal.

In our business development plans, we plan in such a way as to leave a positive effect on the biodiversity and ecosystem of each region, and we will help to improve the conditions of the ecosystem and biodiversity in the operating units.

Also, based on the policies of sustainable development, Pasargad Energy Development Group will avoid any exploration and development operations in the field of oil and gas, as well as the development of power plants, refineries, and petrochemicals in places belonging to the world heritage and registered in UNESCO, as well as all habitats under international and national protection.

Also, for the implementation of all projects of the Pasargad Energy Development Group, it is mandatory to conduct environmental impact assessment studies in order to investigate the effects of project implementation on the ecosystem and biodiversity, and in accordance with this evaluation, the policies of non-interference in the ecosystem and non-damage to biodiversity in each project will be developed.


we believe that communities rely on healthy and well-functioning ecosystems. Ecosystems that provide clean air, drinking water, medicine, security, etc. for humans. Therefore, we firmly prevent the creation of pollution in projects under construction and operation, excessive consumption of resources, irreversible environmental changes, etc.

Pasargad Energy Development Group