Tejarat Pasargad Co (TPCO)

Tejarat Pasargad Co. (Ltd.) is a subsidiary and as the commercial arm of Pasargad Energy Development Co. (PEDC) Group, provides the group’s companies, other customers, and business partners with superior services. Tejarat Pasargad Co. (TPCO) was established in 2008 and has a prominent role in commerce, trade, and logistics in key industries, relying on many years of experience, good financial status, qualified and experienced employees, and its business partners’ trust.

TPCO is mostly active in the Middle East, Central and East Asia, North Africa, and Europe. Its main office is located in Hamila Center Tower, Tehran.

Main Field of Activities

Trading petrochemical and petroleum products

Procurement management of projects and production plants

Supplying chemicals and additives for production plants

Supplying mineral material and metal products


Call us
Tel :(+98) 21-79714802
Email us
Unit 1015, 10th floor, No.38, Hamila Center, Fallahzadeh Blvd., Pounak, Tehran
Field of activity
Supply of items and equipment in oil, gas, petrochemical and energy industry projects field (trade, commerce and logistics)